About Us

Our Mission
We invite young women to participate in a competitive and positive experience that will enhance their confidence and physical development. Our program is dedicated to improving the entire well being of our student-athletes, through the sport of fastpitch softball.
Our Vision
We envision a future where every aspiring softball player has the support, resources and financial assistance needed to succeed as a student-athlete, at the highest levels.
Future Growth
Our Commitment
OutKasts is committed to excellence in all aspects of softball, from player development to community engagement. We strive to be a beacon of sportsmanship and teamwork, while supporting the growth of our future female leaders.
Dedication to Excellence
Our Values
At OutKasts, we value integrity, respect, and perseverance. These principles guide our interactions, decisions, and goals, shaping the culture of our softball program.
Core Principles
The OutKasts Experience
A glimpse inside our program

Team Chemistry
Playing for Each Other
Our players keep a team-first mindset because it is built into the culture. We have frequent team bonding events, from team clinics to pool hangouts. Our players like being around each other and have built strong lifelong friendships. Their love for each other shows up on and off the field.

Player Support
Empowering Our Players
Our focus is on supporting current players by providing them with the resources and encouragement needed to excel on and off the field. We set aside one-on-one time for those players that need it, our coaches open up their schedules for lessons, stay late, come early, and keep open lines of communication with each player between practices and games.

Family Culture
The Village
Travel ball is a family commitment and we take that seriously. Our tournaments, practices and events are family inclusive and you will find the player siblings building memories alongside us and our parents maintaining the village conducive to player growth.